a letter to my body
Thank you

Hey beautiful,
How are you? I wanted to write you to let you know how sorry I am for the way I’ve treated you in the past.
I’m sorry for comparing you to Kendall Jenner’s bikini pictures on Instagram.
I’m sorry I got mad at you when you made my knees hurt and told me I couldn’t run this summer.
I’m sorry I made you feel bad for having stomach rolls.
I’m sorry I fed you pizza and beer even though you asked for vegetables. And I’m sorry I fed you vegetables when you asked for pizza and beer.
I’m sorry I got frustrated when you told me my legs were too tired to keep skiing…
biking… or running.
You have allowed me to do so many wonderful things in my life. And at times I couldn’t see it.
Thank you for allowing me to ski, bike and run until exhaustion.
Thank you for speaking up when you thought I needed a break.
Thank you for trying to learn how to do a 360 or a drop when I asked you too.
Thank you for trying an inversion during yoga, even though I looked silly.
Thank you for all of the strength, power, pain, and love you have allowed me to feel.
You are one of a kind. You are beautiful. And I don’t thank you enough.
Yours Truly,